Birna Dröfn Birgisdóttir hlýtur rannsóknarstyrk bandarísku Greenleaf miðstöðvarinnar – Greenleaf Scholar

Birna Dröfn Birgisdóttir, doktorsnemi við Háskólann í Reykjavík hlaut nýlega rannsóknarstyrkGreenleaf Center for Servant Leadership – Greenleaf Scholars. Doktorsrannsókn Birnu Drafnar er um þjónandi forystu og sköpun og byggir á rannsókn sem fram fór á bráðamóttökudeildum Landspítala.

Í frétt á heimasíðu Greenleaf samtakanna um rannsóknarstyrkinn segir: ,,Birna is a PhD student in the business department at Reykjavik University in Iceland. For her doctoral thesis she has been researching frameworks for creativity since 2012. She received her masters’ degree in International Business from Griffith University in Australia and her bachelor degree in Business Administration from Reykjavik University. Birna has also studied human resource management, Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) and executive coaching.”

Birna Dröfn Birgisdóttir

Birna Dröfn Birgisdóttir hlýtur rannsóknastyrk bandarísku Greenleaf miðstöðvarinnar – Greenleaf Scholar

Birna Dröfn Birgisdóttir, doktorsnemi við Háskólann í Reykjavík hlaut nýlega rannsóknarstyrk Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership – Greenleaf Scholars. Doktorsrannsókn Birnu Drafnar er um þjónandi forystu og sköpun og byggir á rannsókn sem fram fór á bráðamóttökudeildum Landspítala.

Í frétt á heimasíðu Greenleaf samtakanna um rannsóknarstyrkinn segir: ,,Birna is a PhD student in the business department at Reykjavik University in Iceland. For her doctoral thesis she has been researching frameworks for creativity since 2012. She received her masters’ degree in International Business from Griffith University in Australia and her bachelor degree in Business Administration from Reykjavik University. Birna has also studied human resource management, Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) and executive coaching.”

Birna Dröfn Birgisdóttir
Birna Dröfn Birgisdóttir