Margaret Wheatley

Margaret Wheatley. The Servant Leader: From Hero to Host

Margaret Wheatley
Margaret Wheatley
Margaret Wheatley verður aðalfyrirlesari ráðstefnu um þjónandi forystu í Reykjavík 14. júní nk. og mun fjalla um þjónandi forystu undir yfirskriftinni From Hero to Host.

Í viðtali við hana um efnið segir hún m.a. ,,Now more than ever, we have to fundamentally shift our ideas of what makes an effective leader. We have to shift them away from this secretive, command and control, “we know what’s best.” We have to leave all that
behind, even though it may be effective in the moment. I’m certainly learning that there are different needs at different times when you are a leader. Different styles, different modalities. But what I find in servant-leadership that I still find missing in the world is this fundamental respect for what it means to be human. And I think that right now the greatest need is to have faith in people. That is the single most courageous act of a leader. Give people resources, give them a sense of direction, give them a sense of their own power and just have tremendous faith that they’ll figure it out.”

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